he/him23dec. 9 2000white & tmeMST timezone
- if you follow basic dni criteria
- if you're a proshipper
- if you're under 18BYF
content warnings for my art and writing include:
- cartoon gore, blood, & violence
- occasional body horror
- substance use
- suggestive humor & content. all explicit nsfw is locked to my priv accounts- keep in mind i also like to reclaim slurs for myself
"SOMETHING behind you."
- akira (1988)
- neon genesis evangelion
- omori
- astro boy
- mega man
- various other mecha or robot-centric animes & ovasINTERESTS
- robots & objectheads
- cats & cheetahs
- paleo wildlife
- horror
- sci-fi
- cyberpunk
- retro anime & cartoons